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How to Get Started

PsychConnect can match you with a Counselor or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. All Counselors and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners will be licensed in the state where you reside. Counselors will focus on therapy-related issues, while Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners can do therapy as well as prescribe medications for mental health purposes. PsychConnect does not prescribe any controlled medications for patients seeking services in their home. Controlled medications include Benzodiazepines, Stimulants and Opioids.

Within 24 - 48 business hours a PsychConnect representative will reach out to you in order to ensure that you are matched to a clinician who is best able to meet your needs. PsychConnect online counseling and medication services are not designed for psychiatric emergency. If you are in a psychiatric emergency call 911 or report to your nearest Emergency Room.

Once you have completed your initial appointment your clinician will schedule future appointments with you directly. All appointments are pre-paid. You and your clinician will need to determine the frequency and duration of your clinical appointments.
For any questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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